5 Ways To Protect Your Business in 2023

Now that many businesses are using the online world even more to meet consumer demand, you need to make sure that you are protecting your business. Putting your business online can be extremely lucrative, however, it can also open your company up to danger. Cyber scammers and hackers often target businesses as they know there is a high reward. Here are 5 ways you can protect your business in 2023.

Educate Your Staff

Your staff are your first line of defence against hackers and scammers online. Making sure your staff know how to spot common scams and know the protocol to keep your business data safe is extremely important, and will help your company stay running safely. There are many cyber security services available that will provide your staff with expert training and knowledge, and should definitely be a priority for your company.

Use Great Passwords

One of the best ways you can keep your company protected is to use great passwords that are especially robust. Firstly, you should never use the same password for multiple different logins – this will make it much easier for hackers to compromise your entire system. Using complicated passwords will make it much harder for scammers to hack into your systems. Changing and updating your passwords can make it much harder for a bad actor to get into your organisation, so you should be updating them regularly.

Have Two-Factor Authentication

Installing two-factor authentication into your business devices is one of the best things you can do to protect your company against hackers and scammers. Two-factor authentication means that employees will need to input their password into a login system, and they will be provided with a code sent to a secondary device (such as a work phone.) This makes it much harder for hackers to get into your system, as logins will require two different methods. Two-factor authentication should definitely be a consideration for you if your employees regularly manage sensitive data that needs to be protected.

Update Your Software

Ensuring that all of your software remains updated is a huge part of having great business cyber security. Software that is outdated is more susceptible to hacks, and means that you are much more likely to have a major security breach. You need to stay on top of your software updates so you can protect your company, and protect your systems from potential vulnerabilities.

Be Prepared

It’s important to always be prepared for the worst. If you follow these steps, you are unlikely to have a cyber attack. However, it’s very important that you have a cyber incident response plan in place to protect yourself if the worst happens, and make sure that your employees know it by heart. For example, create your cyber incident response plan with input from your cyber security services and all of your employees, to ensure you have covered all bases. The plan should set out steps for mitigating damage caused by the attack, stopping the attack in its tracks, and protecting data. Having a plan in place is imperative for protecting your company if you are unfortunate enough to experience a breach.

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